Un ' altra di cui vale la pena parlare è rossella brescia, la sosia della cucinotta solo un pò più figa.
Spopola da quando ha ottenuto successo con colorado caffè. logicamente non consideriamo le spinte di maurizio costanzo e del marito cenci, ma per noi di velinecaffeine va bene lo stesso , per noi assolve benissimo il suo compito di sexy velina. Credo che abbia seguito bene l'onda delle sexy comedy conduttrici sdoganate da mischelle hunziker. Penso esista la figura del formatore comico che insegna a far ridere, chissaaa!!
A 'other of which is worth mention is Sam brescia, the double cucinotta only a little more pussy.
Spopola since gained success with colorado coffee. Logically not consider the push of maurizio costanzo and cenci husband, but for us to velinecaffeine well the same goes for us performs well its role of sexy tissue. I think that has followed the wave of good sexy comedy conductive cleared by mischelle hunziker. I think there is a comic figure of the trainer who teaches to laugh, chissaaa!
Spopola since gained success with colorado coffee. Logically not consider the push of maurizio costanzo and cenci husband, but for us to velinecaffeine well the same goes for us performs well its role of sexy tissue. I think that has followed the wave of good sexy comedy conductive cleared by mischelle hunziker. I think there is a comic figure of the trainer who teaches to laugh, chissaaa!
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